5 Ways to Like your Boss

We all have heard that people don’t leave their organisations but mostly their bosses. That the boss acts as a face of the organisation, it becomes more imperative to cultivate and nurture your relationship with your boss in ways that will help you to thrive in the organisation. Respectful and positive relationship between a boss and his or her employees is key to any company’s productivity and in turn, success. You may work for your boss for a certain duration, but building a relationship that stays beyond tenure and geographies will talk a lot about your past performance and your future potentials. Believe me, there are more reasons to have a positive equation with your boss than only self-advancement and growth.
Your boss plays a pivotal role in your career, grooming and learning, quality of your projects, rewards and recognition, high motivation, etc. He weaves the threads between your role and the company’s vision. Yes, where his top priority is to fulfil the organisation’s vision and growth plans, he works every day to get these achieved with your support, trust and dedication. Above all, you would like to spend your 10 hours of work time with such people who can stand for you, recognise your potential and reward you with ample opportunities to contribute and learn on a daily basis. Your boss is the guiding force in achieving these hygiene factors at workplace.
If you also wish to have a relationship with your boss that goes beyond time and tide, here are 5 sugesstion for building a respectable and rewarding relationship with your boss:
1. You can also set Up Monthly Meetings
In my Human Resources career in early 2007, I had the greatest opportunities to contribute and lead the employee lifecycle. While facilitating exit interviews in one of the pioneering telecommunication brand, one of the recurrent reasons to attrite was that my boss does not have time for me. Now with a span of control of 20-50 employees, it is impractical to meet everybody daily on coffee meets and keep a check on the deliverables, concerns and learnings. So, it was recommended to employees then to set up individual meets with your boss over a month. It shows caring and responsiveness from the employees and keeps the channel of communication open and approachable. with me throughout the month. This also helps them to know what’s going on in the business, what’s trending in the business and keeps you connected with the goals and expectations.
Such meets shows your connect with the job and the organisation too. It also keeps your morale at a high level and tracks your productivity and learnings.
2. Know and adapt to his Communication Style
As an entrepreneur, I have always made it a point to check on quick suggestions with my team members and receive their ideas openly. This encourages open communication and dialogue exchange. There have been number of times when my team has shared their ideas as well as negated my ideas too, politely though. But for few, this can get ugly and scary to assert their opinions with their bosses.
For me, the hardest thing at the start of my career was to understand my boss’s and other colleagues’ communication style. Generally, it takes some time to know organisational environment and how everything functions. Taking conscious efforts, you eventually learn and find adaptive strategies. You may also check with your boss on preferred communication styles and norms at the workplace. This will break the ice and any unsaid line of barriers of communication. Feeling comfortable with your boss to express fearlessly will build strong and sustainable relationship with the organisation.
3. Pick your battles wisely – at work too!
Every day is not a Sunday! Over a period of time, the glamour and the glitz of the organisation and the boss wanes off. Now every day, you are left with animosity and struggle. You may have more than hundred reasons to disagree with your boss hower, check if these battes are worthy of your time, goals and of your strain and after-effects of going South with your boss? Remember that at the end, your boss also has to work for his boss and the organisation at large. Neither is he your friend nor can he go out of the way and play favours. Pick your fights wisely. They could bring the best and the worst out of the both of you.
4. Your boss is a Human just like you!
Althouh your boss seems close to perfection in problem solving and mentoring, he may not have answers and solutions to all. As he spends his day working cloely on his goals and company’s vision, they may have a certain sense of responsibility that you cannot ever imagine today. He too can err and may not exhibit robotic and perfect mannerisms.
Now how does one build rapport – through thoughtful questions and caring attitude. At the end, everyone likes to be asked “How are you?” or “How was your weekend?” as we resume office on Mondays. And rapport can be built both ways. You could make it a point to come prepared with a set of conversational questions so that you do not feel stumped. One doesn’t need to be friends with the boss however, we can take the initiative to be friendly and approachable.
When I drove the initiative to lead a one-on-one meeting marathon run dealing with ‘How and Why to conduct One – on – one meetings’. You may ask that what one can ask the boss? Really does this work, yes it does. Travel plans, leisure ideas, passion, fitness, social activities, and more could be included in your list.. 
5. Be Yourself, Be Loyal
Many of us spend their 85% of wakeful hours in office working with your colleagues or your boss. It would logical and conscientious stand to take on sharing a more solid relationship with your boss with whom you will make your career. If you nurture and condition it well, you will have a mentor and a guide for a lifetime. Many of my peers and colleagues have their former bosses extending their support for job prospects, consulting projects or sharing vacay goals.
Stay true to your words and actions, be honest and express any situations that are affecting your personal as well as professional life. Try not to keep secrets from your boss as that will start spilling into your work relationships.
As an entrepreneur, I prefer to always have my team members tell me anything that can bother or affect their focus at work or at home. This helps them to strike a chord and build trust. This also adds to their willingness to share ideas, situations, suggestions or feedback in a far safer and constructive environment. So, if they have to suggest any change in work schedule or deliverables, they do not battle an eyelid to express assertively.
Keep in mind that you are not here to make friends with your boss but create a warm, caring and friendly attitude towards your manager. The focus is on building good communicative relationship and trust – and the rewards will follow.

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Will Police Need Warrants Before Taking Forcible Blood Tests?

The United States Supreme Court recently announced it will decide whether the Fourth Amendment allows law enforcement officials to force non-consenting suspects in impaired driving cases to take a blood test without first requesting a warrant.

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects Americans from unlawful searches and seizures. This means that law enforcement cannot search you, your home, or your vehicle, without permission unless they have acquired a probable cause warrant.

Different states, different decisions

States across the nation have wrestled with the question on whether or not the Fourth Amendment requires police to get a warrant before administering a blood test to a suspected drunk driver. Courts in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Oregon all allow warrantless blood tests based on exigent circumstances (ex. the more time that passes decreases the likelihood that the alcohol will be detected in the bloodstream).

Courts in Utah and Iowa, on the other hand, disagree. They acknowledge that alcohol rapidly dissipates from a person’s bloodstream, but have found that is not enough to allow a warrantless blood test.

Missouri is the most recent state to have grappled with this issue. In the Missouri case, the police pulled over a man for speeding. After pulling him over the police suspected the driver was intoxicated and administered field sobriety tests. The man did poorly on the tests and the police requested that he take an alcohol breath test. The driver refused the breathalyzer. The arresting officer then transported the driver to a medical clinic and when the driver refused to submit to a blood test, the officer directed the medical staff to take one anyway.

The blood test showed that the driver was well over the legal limit. At his trial, the driver objected to the blood test results as evidence arguing that the involuntary blood test was a violation of his Fourth Amendment rights. The trial judge agreed and barred the evidence at the trial. Numerous appeals ensued with the supreme court of that state deciding that police officers need a warrant before administering an involuntary blood test.

The justices of the United States Supreme Court have agreed to review that decision and their ruling will clear up the divergent state decisions. If they decide that involuntary blood tests are unconstitutional, it could have an impact on anyone convicted of a DUI based on an involuntary blood test. The decision may affect DUI convictions in Florida as well as all other states in the U.S.

If you are arrested for DUI

If you are arrested for drunk driving, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to learn your rights.

Article provided by LaBar Adams
Visit us at www.labaradams.com

Improve Your Mental Alertness Using BrainOBrain Herbal Capsule

At present, you can find a fantastic range of herbal products in online stores boasting cure from poor memory troubles. Here, we are going to see some of the best ways to improve mental alertness. Eleuthero, renowned for amazing health benefits is one of the best herbal remedies for low memory health troubles. When searched, you can find eleuthero as one of the best added ingredients for the preparation of herbal products.

You can use this herbal product twice or thrice per day in daily diet. It assures safe result for all users. Gotu kola is another herbal cure suggested to get relief from stress and depression problems. As per studies, high stress is reported to be as a common cause of many memory troubles. You can get rid over this health trouble by including gotu kola in daily diet. Gotu kola can be easily obtained from market in the form of extracts, powders and capsules.

If you are a person in need of a safe cure to get rid of poor memory troubles, feel free to make use of gotu kola. You can use gotu kola with any other medication. It assures result within a short period of time. Regular use of gotu kola can induce many health benefits on user. Main health benefits of including gotu kola in daily diet are improving blood circulation and enhancing energy production in cells.

We are now going to see how sage leaf can boost your brain health. Do you like to drink sage? If yes, it is found to be very good to improve your body health. At present, powdered form of sage leaf can be easily obtained from market. For effective result, feel free to drink sage leaf tea twice or thrice per day. It assures safe result within a short interval of time.

Chinese club moss is another herbal cure which can be availed from online stores. It has been used for decades for the treatment of low memory health. As per research, Chinese club moss is found to be very effective to decrease the risk of nervous disorders like anxiety, depression and stress. At present, Chinese club moss is one of the best used ingredients for the preparation of supplements.

Lack of side effect is a main advantage of using this herbal remedy. It is an apt choice for all in search of a perfect cure for treating poor memory problems. As per research, certain herbal teas are found to be very effective to improve the brain health of a person. Some of the best sold green teas for improving brain health include chamomile tea, lavender tea and nettle leaf tea.

BrainOBrain Capsule is one of the best recommended herbal products for improving your memory power. Today, you can easily avail this product from stores. 100% herbal composition is a key benefit of including BrainOBrain Capsule in daily diet. BrainOBrain Capsule assures safe result devoid of health issues like depression, anxiety and stress. If you have queries regarding the use of product, feel free to get guidance from a certified health expert.

How To Get Rid Of Joint Stiffness Naturally At Home?

How to select the best product to get rid of joint pain and inflammations? This question is quite common from old age people. We are going to see here how to get rid of joint stiffness naturally at home. We will start with turmeric, a common ingredient used in food recipes we eat. As per studies, turmeric is found to be as a safe cure for treating a wide range of health issues like arthritis.

You can easily make use of this herbal cure to treat a wide range of health issues. If possible, make it as a habit to include turmeric as a key ingredient in daily food recipes you eat. You can use this remedy both externally and internally. What is the specialty of using turmeric? This is a common question heard from people. Anti-inflammatory property is one of the main solutions for the above question.

Today, this herbal cure is a widely used ingredient for the preparation of herbal products that heal wounds and inflammations. We are now going to see how to improve the strength of joints and inflammations with the help of St John’s wort. You can make use of this remedy to treat a wide range of health issues. St John’s wort can be included in daily food recipes you eat. Today, you can also get St John’s wort in the form of tea powders and extracts.

We are now going to see how to improve the strength of joints and muscles with the help of nettle leaf tea. Nettle leaf tea is one of the safest cures for treating joint inflammations. What is making nettle leaf tea so special in market? This question is quite common from people. Generally, health benefits featured in this tea powder can provide you answer for the above question. We are now going to see the health benefits of including nettle leaf tea in daily diet.

Relieving inflammations, curing wounds and treating body aches are some among the main advantages of including nettle leaf tea in daily diet. For effective result, you can make use of nettle leaf tea two to three times per day. If possible, substitute beverages like tea and ordinary coffee with the help of green teas like chamomile tea, nettle leaf tea and lemon balm tea.

We are now going to see how to treat joint pain and inflammations with the help of parsley leaves. This herb is one among the best used natural remedies for treating body aches and inflammations. As per research, Rumacure capsule is found to be very effective for improving your joint strength and inflammations. It can make your joints flexible and healthy all the day long.

If you are planning to treat joint pain in a healthy manner, never hesitate to pick up this particular cure from online stores. Also, feel free to follow a good diet plan in your life. At present, there are many health experts to provide you proper guidance about body ache treatment.